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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

Lack of Sleep

Normally we need a one-third of our day to sleep. But most ignore this. Some even spend only 5 hours a day or even less than that because of work or anything else that demands. After I evaluated my messed up results, I found out that the cause of all this was due to lack of sleep and I also left my siesta sleeping routine that I had done from very small. Uncertain college activity makes new students confused and still can't control the schedule. There are free time even made stories, eat or do things that are not clear other. In my opinion, last semester was not very productive. stems from a problem... Which was me who took the time off sleeping so I could not study at night because I was tired all day and I can't sleep at all. Even yesterday I never slept under the tree front tree lab because waiting for religious courses that are different 2 hours the same hour before and when going home to sleep afraid of late. Having also slept in my faculty's mosque, coul...

Akibat Kurang Tidur

Normalnya kita membutuhkan sepertiga dari hari kita untuk tidur. Tapi kebanyakan mengabaikan hal ini. Bahkan ada yang hanya menghabiskan 5 jam sehari atau bahkan kurang dari itu karena pekerjaan atau hal yang lain yang menuntut. Setelah aku mengevaluasi hasil nilaiku yang berantakan, ternyata aku mendapatkan clue kalau penyebab semua ini karena kurang tidur dan aku juga meninggalkan rutinitas tidur siangku yang sudah kulakukan sedari kecil banget. Aktivitas di perkuliahan yang ga nentu buat mahasiswa baru khususnya aku belum bisa mengontrol hari-hariku. Ada waktu senggang malah dibuat cerita-cerita, makanlah atau melakukan segala hal yang ga jelas lainnya. Aku merasa bahwa semester kemarin tidak produktif sama sekali berawal dari masalah…yang aku yang menghilangkan waktu tidur yang karenanya aku gabisa belajar kalo malem karena udah capek seharian ga istirahat dan aku paling gabisa gitu kalo nahan ngantuk. Bahkan kemaren aku pernah tidur dibawah pohon depan lab bahasa kar...


During 18 years of my life I still can't define what life is? What are we living for? As a parasite. Something useful? What I know, live is a drama. Where all want to look "wow" but ignore its authenticity. And if you buy a product does not want a fake, always ask for the original. Does not she have a mirror or will I borrow mirror? Often I see them-they work with their friends WHILE EXAMINATIONS. You know? He is playing a role in the drama of his life. Maybe they do not know yet, that ALL COMPANIES do not really care, want your bad value to be good, that IMPORTANT is your skill. Just SPEAK YOUR VALUES YOU ARE PICKED is good but your skill is low, in this Tanya it does not know. I know they are not cooperative either. But because of the coercive circumstances and the atmosphere that supports them launch their new role. And I also say that life is a statement. If you do this and that, then you will get this and that and blah blah blah ... HELLOOOO !!! You li...


Selama 18 tahun hidupku aku masih belum bisa mendefinisikan apa itu hidup? Untuk apa kita hidup? Sebagai parasitkah. Sesuatu yang bermanfaatkah. Yang kutau hidup itu drama. Dimana semua ingin terlihat “wah” tapi mengabaikan keaslian dirinya. Padahal kalau mau beli produk anti banget sama yang KW, selalu minta yang asli. Apa dia ga punya kaca atau mau kupinjamkan kaca? Seringkali kulihat mereka-mereka bekerja sama dengan temannya SAAT UJIAN. Kamu tau?  Dia sedang memainkan peran dalam drama hidupnya. Mungkin saja mereka belum tahu, bahwa SEMUA PERUSAHAAN pada hakikatnya gapeduli, mau nilai kamu jelek mau bagus kek yang PENTING itu skill kamu. PERCUMA aja nilai kamu yang DIKERTAS itu bagus tapi skill kamu rendahan, di Tanya ini itu gatau. Aku tau mereka-mereka itu aslinya juga gamau kerja sama. Tapi karena keadaan yang memaksa dan suasana yang mendukung mereka melancarkan peran barunya. Dan yang kutau juga bahwa hidup adalah sebuah statement. Kalau kamu melakuka...

Student Contribution as Iron Stock

Iron stock is one of the student functions that will replace the leaders of the nation because there is always leadership regeneration. As we have seen leaders can not last forever even if they have given the best contribution to an organization, company or other associations. There was a time when they had to be replaced by younger, more energetic, more energetic and wider and more modern minds, especially in today's world filled with the ever-growing technologies. No doubt all networks today require highly qualified technology to continue to participate in civilization efforts. Not only leaders but members of all organizations will be replaced, from the president as head of state, the government that has a major contribution to the country, qualified educators to educate the nation's children from Sabang to merauke until a mother who has a big role on the development of his son . All that can not do well if the next generation is mostly in the hands of the students di...